- About RMT

- Monitoring

- Demo

Home / Introduction:   1. About RMT    2. Monitoring   3. Demo

 1  Best fit solution in real-time, including time, location, moment magnitude and focal mechanism.

 2  Comparison between the data (black lines) and the synthetic waveforms (red lines).

 3  The continuous misfit reduction (MR) of the best fit solution. The variance reduction (VR) is also presented in the background and shown as thin white line.

 4  The MR map which presents the largest MR values in the monitoring area. The epicenter of the detected event is shown by a red open star.

 5  The events which have MR > 60 are temporarily listed in the lower panel.

An earthquake has been detected when: (1) the MR is larger than the threshold (MR = 60), and (2) a peak MR appears (at t sec) that is no larger than the MR found previously and after 20 seconds (t +- 20 sec). The epicenter of the detected event is shown by a red-solid star and highlighted with a blue-open square on the MR map.